The biggest toad caught by a BaDL Cane Toad Bust team was 347 grams. That is, for the oldies like myself, just over three quarters of a pound! More than a small slab of butter. That’s a big bad, lady toad. [Females are always the big ones.]
Remember one female toad can lay up to 70,000 eggs in a year, although the most common number is between 25,000 and 35,000. That’s still a lotta tadpoles! So, taking one female out of the equation before she lays any more eggs means far fewer toads in the future.
On the night before Australia day, Boonah and District Landcare’s 31 Cane Toad Busting teams caught (and despatched) 1,649 toads.
Our second-best total was 1,337 on the 27 January and, on Australia Day itself, 1,326 were captured.
The grand total for the entire week days was 9,464; that’s millions fewer toads over the years ahead.
There’s no doubt about it… if we keep harvesting adult toads over the next few years there’ll be fewer and fewer each year.
Wouldn’t it be great to wander out in 2027 and not find a single one!